Whatto! Art lovers.....
I am someone who fervently believes in the use of modern technology for the betterment of mankind......
....and womenkind.....
...and every other kind.
So I was very interested to read that an Art Restorer at the Louvre recently came across a stimulating discovery.......
....whilst cleaning a 17th-century canvas.....
....by the French artist Nicolas Poussin.
You may well already be familiar with Poussin’s huge canvas entitled "Hymenaios Disguised as a Woman During an Offering to Priapus" (1634-38).
The Brazilian conservator Regina Pinto Moreira uncovered none other .......
.....than the fertility god’s surprise 'package'....
.... which had been concealed by centuries of dirt and paint.
Speaking to the São Paulo press, Moreira said she suspects conservative Catholic critics made a later artist cover up the offending member in the 18th century......
Thus concealing signs from the previously popular Paganist Practices.....
....which idolised the male membership.
"They hid the phallus of Priapus!" she said.........
......."It's what we call adjustment for modesty........
......and in History it's not uncommon."
The painting, now proudly restored to all its former glory.....
.... is currently being exposed to the public......
.....at Museu de Arte de São Paulo.
What embarrassing body part have you recently revealed whilst cleaning a work of Art?
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline
Dress With Finesse