I was talking to a chap the other day about dogs.....
He has several and is obviously very fond of them all.
Not being much of a 'Doggy person' myself.....
....I asked him what their appeal was for him.
He told me "Lord Noel......we can all learn a great deal from dogs"......
I replied "Oh really?....like what for example?"
And he said...."If a dog was your teacher, you would learn from them:
'When loved ones come home, always run to greet them'....
....and 'When it's in your best interest, practice obedience'.....
.....also....'Let others know when they've invaded your territory'....
'and don't forget to take plenty of naps'.
Another thing they can teach us is 'Stretch well before rising'......
....and 'Remember to run, romp, and play daily' "....
I was starting to see what he meant......
....as he added..." 'Avoid biting when a simple growl will do'.....
...and 'On hot days, drink lots of water, and lie under a shady tree' ".....
I began to join in with suggestions now....
...offering "What about when you're happy, dance around, and wag your entire body?"
"Yes that's it!" he laughed.....
....and added " 'Delight in the simple joy of a long walk' ".....
I said "Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.....and stop when you have had enough"....
"You've got it!" he shouted.....and " 'Be loyal at all times' ".....
and " 'Never pretend to be something you're not' ".... I added.
Then he said " 'When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently' "....
....I interjected again with " 'When you are having a bad day, just lick your testicles' "....
At which point he walked orf!
There must be other animal traits to be admired....
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline
Dress With Finesse