Whatto! Readers........
Are you someone who likes cuddling up in the long winter evenings.....
....with a nice book?
If you are..
..then my selection of books for Xmas.....
....will be just what you're looking for.....
There's some great titles....
...by some 'well known' faces.....
All of whom have bared......
....something of themselves.....
....in the course of knocking together their latest tome for us......
....the eagerly expectant general public.
Most of them have led spectacularly public lifestyles.....
....and then found that the proverbial wheel has come orf!
But we won't allow the odd murder and drug ravaged gay orgy......
....to get in the way of a good read will we?......
And there's always the 'Underdog' story.....
....where the hard-done-by heroine.....
...battles against adversity....
....in order to demonstrate.....
....what a complete person they can be....
And before you say it....
...I know it's not right to kick someone when they're down....
....expecially when they've only got one leg themselves....
....but ladies and gentlemen......
....I say only one thing in my defence.....
"Look at the size of her divorce settlement!"
So as far as I'm concerned....
....she can hop it!
Of course......
....some didn't hang around long enough....
....for us to REALLY get to know them.....
....and that's something I'm perfectly fine with.....
I'm actually quite glad that dear old Fred WON'T be producing a sequel......
Shame I can't say the same for this next book......
....but we can thank the good old Met Police Farce for that one.....
....Maybe they could make it 'compulsory reading' for new recruits!
My own personal favourites are 'self-help' books.....
.....I was directed towards them by a Psychologist friend....
....but I did tell him.....
"It's very difficult to improve.....
Oh....how he laughed.......
....and by the time he'd finished with me....
....he was STILL laughing......
....but he did say that the medication that he'd been given seemed to be working......
I wonder where he is now?
....my quest for self-improvement led me to this interesting read......
....which I just haven't been able to put down.....
In fact....
...I'm worried that if I do put it down......
....I might follow my new found urges.....
.....the ones that keep on telling me to go out and slaughter some 'Infidel dogs'.....
What better way to read....than with your eyes.
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Fagash
Dress With Feathers