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Straining One orf

Whatto! Mammals....

I was in the pub yesterday having a spot of lunch.....
....when I suddenly realised.....
.....that I desperately needed to strain one orf.
The music was really, very loud...... I used my magnificently toned sphincter muscle.... time the emissions to exactly co-incide with the regular beats of the music.
Obviously the large amounts of Xmas food had taken their toll.....
.....because I was still going strong.....
.....a couple of songs later.
Finally I started to feel better.
I finished my pint and then I noticed something rather odd......
....everybody was staring at me!
"It couldn't have been the smell.."...I thought to myself.....
...."Because my methane smells mainly of roses...."

Then I suddenly remembered......
....I was listening to my iPod.

May the gas be without you....
Best Wishes - Lord Noel