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Lord Noel's Occasional Quiz

Whatto! Intelligent types......
Why not test your knowledge over a cup of your favourite hot beverage?

1. What can the liquid inside young coconuts be used as a substitute for?

2. What's the maximum number of times any piece of paper can be folded in half?

3. What kills more people annually than plane crashes or shark attacks?

4. Which burns more calories: Sleeping or watching TV?

5. What age must an Oak tree be before it can produce acorns?

6. What was the first product to have a bar code printed on it?

7. What's the other between the King of Hearts and all the other Kings in a pack of cards? (Apart from the suit!)

8. What did American Airlines remove from each salad served in First Class passengers meals in 1987 to save a whopping $40,000?

9. What's the big difference between Venus and all the other planets in our solar system?

10. In the morning, what's most efficient at waking you up: Caffeine or Apples?

11. What do most dust particles consist of?

12. What did the first 'Marlboro Man' and the first owner of 'The Marlboro Tobacco Company' die of?

13. What did Walt Disney have a fear of?

14. What sound doesn't echo?

15. Turtles can breathe through their bums: True or False?

Once you've finished......

Scroll down for the answers.......

1. Blood plasma. 
2. Seven times
3. Donkeys (so watch your Ass!)
4. sleeping
5. Fifty years of age
6. Wrigley's gum. 
7. He's the only king WITHOUT A MOUSTACHE 
8. One olive
9. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
10. Apples
12. Lung cancer (No surprises there then)
13. MICE!
14. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
15. True! (Maybe that's why their breath smells?)
Best Wishes - Lord Noel