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First Opinion

Whatto! Peeps....

I decided to take advantage of our wonderful National Health system....
.....and so I went along to my local Health Centre for my yearly physical check up. 
The nurse started by ascertaining certain basic facts.
"How much do you weigh?" she asked.
"135 pounds," I said.

Then the nurse asked me to get on the scales.
"Well, actually, you weigh 180 pounds", she
informed me indignantly .
Then the nurse asked, "Your height?"
"6 foot 4," I said proudly.
The nurse duly checked....

.....and then seemed to take great delight in informing me that "You only measure 6' 2"!".
She then took my blood pressure......
......and on checking those results.....

....she told me that it was very high.
"Of course it's high!" I screamed......
......"When I came in here I was tall and slender and now - thanks to you -  I'm short and fat!"
(The bitch put me on Prozac!)

Best Wishes - Lord Noel