Whatto! Peeps.....
Those of you who know me well, will realise that basically...... I'm a very shy person.
I have tried to combat this shyness throughout my life....
....with varying degrees of success.
I remember one time many years ago when I was in a hotel bar....
....and I saw a very beautiful woman sitting on one of the bar stools.
After what must have been the best part of an hour of gathering up my courage....
....I finally decided to go over....
....and talk to her.
I tentatively asked, "Um, would you mind if I er, sat here and er, chatted with you for a while?"
To which she responds by yelling, at the top of her voice, "No, I will NOT sleep with you tonight!"
Naturally, I was absolutely bally well horrified!
And to add to the embarrassment, by now, the entire bar is staring at us!
Naturally, I was hopelessly and completely mortified and slunk away to a chair in a dark corner of the hotel lounge to nurse my mental wounds.
After a few minutes, the same woman walked straight over to me.
I froze in my chair...
... wondering what was coming next!
She smiled at me and said, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations."
To which I responded, at the top of my lungs....
...."What do you mean ...£200?!!"
Best Wishes - Lord Noel