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Whatto! Peeps....

Late last night, after a hearty rack of ribs...
 ....and several real ales at a local pub...
...I took to my jacuzzi.... enjoy an amazing free light show!
Nature put on a special meteorite shower display in the massive heavens above.
There were meteroites to be enjoyed for most of the evening as the shower passed Earth...
...but the pinnacle was scheduled for around 2am.
 It's known as the Perseid meteor shower and is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a stream of space debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle.
 So I got comfy in my seat and began to scour the beautifully blackened sky.
 We are blessed with minimal light pollution out here...
....and having no moon meant things were kept as dark as possible.
Then it began!
 Across the space a blaze of fresh white light ....
...followed by another...
....and another..... scratches glowing across the firmament.
I counted eight in a couple of minutes.
Then, as if to say "Leave them wanting more"....
...nature drew across her curtain of cloud.....
...and the meteorite show was over!
And there's more!
....for now....
....the cloud show could begin!
As an Honourary Member of 'The Cloud Appreciation Society'.....
.....I find the sky a most amazing spectacle.
Each day we are offered a completely original performance....
...on a stage that outdoes any 'widescreen' or 'Panoramic' gimmic us humans might come up with.
And it's all there....
 ....for us to enjoy....
 ...absolutely free....
 ...whenever we want....
 ...if we just....

Best Wishes - Lord Noel