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Breeding Turkeys!

Whatto! Peeps....
...Lord Noel here...

One of the good things about living out in the Countryside... that one tends to hear about breakthroughs in farming methods before anyone else...
....that's certainly very exciting isn't it?!
Well an industrious turkey farmer who has always been experimenting with Turkeys (what else in Norfolk?) trying to perfect an even better turkey.

His theory is that everyone is fond of a nice big leg portion for dinner but there are never enough legs for everyone.
So he enlisted the help of a Genetic Modification Research Group who gave him some equipment and lots of backup expertise.
I went to visit him and he told me that after many frustrating attempts he finally had the results of his latest efforts to show me.....
He announced to me proudly.... "Well I finally did it Lord Noel!"
...."I bred a turkey that has SIX legs!"

"SIX?!" I exclaimed feeling quite aghast at the very thought of it.....
...."Well?" I added in disbelief.......
...."How does it taste?"

"Well Lord Noel" said the farmer...."I don't rightly know" .....
....."on account of the fact that....I can't catch it!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel