Whatto! Everyone...
Lord Noel here...
I was reading the fascinatingly famous story
(fascinatingly famous in China that is)
of the two Chinese men who fell in love with the same woman...
...and if you're sitting comfortably...
I'd like to read my literal translation of it to you now..
"There were once two Chinese men....
One was named Aikom and the other was named Nokom.
Nokom was lucky man and he marry pretty Chinese girl...
....she name Nokomtu.....
She have very stinctive eyelashes...
(that when they are highly noticing but also.... bit smelly)
...but eyelashes are making her envy of all local girls.
For some reason Nokom and Nokomtu not have any children.
Some people say "Maybe Nokomtu's eyelashes get in way?"
Who know?
....one day, Nokom have to leave town....
....to go to far away Island.....
.....he go to help sick rerative...
...who own rubbery restaurant....
....and look after them getting better....
...while he running tasty Yum! Yum! business...
When Aikom hear that Nokom left town....
....leaving Nokomtu all alone....
.....he go round to visit Nokomtu....
....and he take with him big flask of Saki rice wine...
...which he carry in bag tied round waist.
(Here is picture or couple hurrying to Nokumtu's flat...
...I think you can just about also see the Saki flask)
(Here is picture or couple hurrying to Nokumtu's flat...
...I think you can just about also see the Saki flask)
Soon Nokomtu velly drunk from drinking too much Saki....
....and she invite Aikom to spend night with her.
That night Aikom came and Nokomtu came too.
This make both velly happy.
Eventually Nokom return from far away Island....
....where relative make slow recovery....
.....and soon life carry on normal for Nokom and Nokomtu.
But 7 or 8 months later....
....Nokom see his wife get very big around middow...
...and he not know why!
Nokomtu tell him....
...he about to become favvar!
....but Nokom not know how come!?
So when baby come....
....he name it, Howkomukom.
Of course, Aikom and Nokomtu both know how Howkomukom came....
....but to this day Nokom not know how come Howkomukom came!
So, you nicely asking me, "What is morrow of this story?"
'Well' I nicely replying....
.....'Some peepu not no wefa they come in or go in!' "
Best Wishes (& translation from Mandarin) - Lord Noel