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Where there's a Will....

Whatto! peeps...
...Lord Noel here....

I was sitting having a chat with my good Lady wife the other evening.....
.....and we began discussing the thorny subject of Wills....
....and how important it was to know what the other partner wanted...
...should the worst happen.
I joked with her saying "You know the expression 'Where there's a Will....
....there's lots of hard up relatives!' "
But then I explained seriously to her that if I ever ended up in some sort of vegetative state.....
...dependant on a machine to keep me alive....
....and living orf fluids from a bottle....
....then she definately had my permission.... 'pull the plug'
Lady Jacqueline then stood up.....
....threw away my Armagnac!....
....and unplugged my bally Computer!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel