Whatto! Peeps....
Three local men have just finished being tried in the City Court and, having all been found 'Guilty', it looks as though they are all heading for some time in jail. They all decided to get together in our local pub for one last drink before the sentencing date, and began talking about what they were going to take with them to keep them busy in jail.
The first man said, "I'm taking a deck of cards so I can practice doing tricks and get really good at them".
The second man said, "I'm bringing some paints and some paper so that I can pass the time away doing art".
The third man then said, "I'm taking a big box of tampons". Upon hearing this, the other two men understandably asked him "Why?".
The third man replied, "Well right here on the box it says with these things you can go swimming, horseback riding, or do anything else you want!"
Best Wishes - Lord Noel