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Weather Forecast

Whatto! Peeps......

In lovely Old Blighty ....
....we simply can't resist chatting about the bally weather....
....and it's many and varied forms!
And whilst it may have been a trifle cold of late....
...spare a thought for chaps and chapesses who live abroad!
I was delighted to have a conversation with an old friend....
....who has moved out to Siberia!
He told me "Lord Noel....out here....
.... we have to keep a very special eye out....
..... for specific cloud formations....
....which usually indicate a change in the weather.... something much more .....
A cloud such as this one above, for example....
....indicates that the weather may soon make going out....
.... very difficult indeed...

...sometimes even simple road signs.....
...can become quite difficult to read....

.....and one can find oneself 'cut orf' for quite a while.... if you can....'s a good idea to periodically check on the neighbours....

But hang on there!'s not all doom and gloom!
For instance.....
...the Telephone man finds that his job is made very much easier by the weather....

....and bus drivers are usually given the day orf too!...
....(so we don't rely on public transport to get about)...

.....even the chair lifts can become totally impractical....
 ....and certainly well worth avoiding.....
....unless one seeks solitude and beautiful views....
...and one has industrial strength insulated smalls.....!

But using ones own car can also have it's problems.....

....especially if you forgot to mark where you last parked it!...

....or forgot to shut that bally passenger window!
Oooops! Arf! Arf!

A friend of mine lost his car for several months in bad weather....
...and only discovered it when he went out on an Archeological dig!

Yes Lord Noel....
...out here we certainly feel the affects of old Jack Frost....
.....and his freezing cold grip..... never far away!



Best Wishes - Lord Noel