Whatto! Peeps....
Happy Solstice to you all!
One can hardly wait for Crimbo now!.....
...already the Television is full of adverts for toys and perfumes and naff Cd's that are really only good for giving away.....
.....as we are geared up nicely for another round of Festive Fun!
And the Midwinter weather is definitely bang on target.....
.....with the blanket of white snow stretching out towards us all....
...hopefully bringing the whole country to a halt in the process.....
....but not until I've had a good chant with my Pagan friends tonight.
And so this is Xmas......
(as a Beatle once sang)....
....and what have YOU done?
Let me just get my checklist.......
1. World Peace (No Tick)
Mmmmmm......might have to carry that one over to next year....again!
2. Increased Recycling (Tick)
Well I've bought a load of crap for a load of people who I'm sure will soon be sensibly disposing of it .....does that count?
3. Helping in the Recovery of the British Economy (Tick)
I'm single-handedly thrashing my credit cards so effectively and with such exquisite timing that I could easily enrol myself as a Master of some Dungeon deep in the bowels of the Bank of England
4. Spreading the Love (Tick)
Physically and spiritually I continue to spread my Love - like watered down peanut butter over the soft warm dough which comprises my friends and family.
5. Doing some good (Half Tick?)
What? Doing some good....what? How I can possibly achieve an objective which hasn't been properly formulated so it can't be measured? (Reminder to self: Scrub this one from next years list!)
6. Enter into The Festive Spirit (Big Tick)
I have decked the halls with boughs of holly, chopped yule logs to keep us warm....and most importantly.....
....restocked the bar with my favourite tipples!
Wake me up very gently on Boxing Day!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel