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Whatto! Peeps...

I was just thinking about what a difference 30 years makes! 

1970 Long hair 
2000 Longing for hair 
1970 The perfect high 
2000 The perfect high-yield mutual fund 
1970 Acid and rock 
2000 Acid reflux 
1970 Going to California because it's cool 
2000 Going to California because it's hot 
1970 Growing some pot 
2000 Growing some pot belly 
1970 Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor 2000 Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor 
1970 Popping pills and smoking joints 
2000 Popping pills AND joints 
1970 Being caught with Hustler magazine 2000 Being caught with Hustler magazine 
1970 Killer weed 
2000 Weed killer 
1970 Hoping for a BMW 
2000 Hoping for a BM 
1970 The Grateful Dead 
2000 Dr. Kevorkian 
1970 Going out to a new, hip joint 
2000 Going out to get a new hip joint 
1970 Rolling Stones 
2000 Kidney stones 
1970 Being called into the principal's office 
2000 Calling the principal's office 
1970 Parents begging you to get your hair cut 
2000 Children begging you to get their heads shaved 
1970 Taking acid 
2000 Taking antacid 
1970 Passing the driver's test 
2000 Passing the vision test 
1970 "Groovy" 
2000 "Whatever"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel