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Right on schedule

Whatto! Peeps.....Lord Noel here....

I was remembering a flight I took on Singapore Airlines.....
....a mother and her young inquisitive son were sitting in front of me.
The son, who had been looking out the window, turned to his mother and asked, "If dogs have baby dogs and cats have baby cats, why don't planes have baby planes?"
The mother, who didn't seem to be able to think of an answer, told her son to "Ask the pretty flight attendant."
So, the boy dutifully walked up the aisle and asked the flight attendant, "If dogs have baby dogs and cats have baby cats, why don't planes have baby planes?"
"Did your mother tell you to ask me that?" the attendant asked the lad.
The little boy admitted that she did. "Well, then, tell your mother there are no baby planes because Singapore Airlines always pulls out on time," said the pretty flight attendant.
"I'm sure she won't have any trouble explaining that to you."

Best wishes - Lord Noel