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Advice For The British Government

Whatto! Peeps....

In the interests of getting this Country out of the massive financial mess that it is in.....
....and BEFORE Mr David Cameron makes any more ridiculously expensive and totally crazy threats about "invading Libya" on my behalf....
...I would like to offer my wholehearted support for his efforts in frugality and downsizing in trying to meet our massive debts......
....but the savings should be made across the board...
...starting at the TOP.
Is The Government really serious about saving money?

After all.....we are now in the 'Internet Age'...... let's start by REDUCING the House of Commons to 30 MPs and let British Citizens decide what needs to be done!
Using the Internet we can 'log on' to the Government Website (using our own unique National Insuarnce number) and vote in favour or against all the policies that are presently decided by overpaid and underworked Members of Parliament.
Log on people........and VOTE!

Let the Public decide!
As long as 40% of the People vote then the result is viable....
....and if 50% of those who voted are in favour - then it goes ahead!
The REAL 'X Factor'!

Think of the amazing amount of money we will save!
.....and the amount of extra power we will have!
True 'Democracy' can finally be ours!........
What a great sound- bite!

....and it's closer than it's ever been......
Maybe I should start a campaign on FACEBOOK?..
That seems to be the way to get things done these days.....
.....if i can just get Mr Cameron to add me as a Friend....

Best Wishes - Lord Noel