Whatto! Peeps...
1. Whilst on holiday, always wear an inexpensive paper hat on which you can write the date and your holiday destination. This will save lots of time trying to figure out where and when it was taken when looking through the photos years later.
2. When holidaying abroad you'll find that they quite often omit to supply you with reading lamps or toilet brushes - even in the most expensive hotels - so take along some of your own.
3. Smokers can make their holidays seem much longer than they actually are by giving up as soon as they arrive. A simple one week holiday can seem like several months using this method.
4. Asthmatics should always avoid going to any destination that the brochure describes as 'breathtaking'.
5. Buy a one way ticket to a Politically unstable country. That way when all hell kicks off you will get flown home free of charge by the British Government.
Best Wishes - Lord Noel