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Lord Noel's Interesting but Potentially Useless Facts

Whatto! Peeps.....

There are certain things of which a person should know.....
.....and there are other things which are entirely useless to know.....
....but nevertheless are compellingly interesting.
For example:
Many years ago in a place well known to us today as Scotland, a curious game was invented. It was invented by men and it was played only by men who preferred to play just with other men, wanting to keep it entirely 'man based'..... because they like it that way.
It was therefore ruled that the game was "Gentlemen Only - Ladies Forbidden" and, thus, ladies and gentlemen......
....the term 'GOLF' entered into the general language.
In a country known as Babylon (mentioned several times in a well known song by Sir Robert Marley, only we are talking here about Babylon 4,000 years before Bob Marley even started playing guitar and singing) it was the accepted practice that, for a month after a wedding, the bride's father would supply his new son-in-law with all the mead he could drink..... excellent way of making an ugly daughter seem more appealing.
Mead is of course, a delicious drink made with honey which can be fermented to produce a delicious alcoholic beverage...yum
.....I imagine this may have made the prospect of marriage very popular......
....particularly with alcoholics....
...but I digress.
The Babylonian calendar was lunar based, as were so many calendars of the period..... the newly weds got very excited when a marriage was being planned......
....because afterwards they knew they would be enjoying.....
.....the "honeymoon".
And finally...... 
In a long forgotten country named England in the 1400's, a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick thicker than his thumb....
....otherwise it might be considered cruel.....
So anyone found beating their wife with large logs or thick planks was immediately looked down upon...
....and shunned in decent circles.
But ladies and gentlemen....... it is from this ancient piece of legislation........
.....that we get the seemingly innocuous expression "rule of thumb"....
....and 'wife beater'

Best Wishes - Lord Noel.