Whatto! Peeps....
As the last rays of the setting Solstice sun fell on the tranquil dunes of Waxham...
...a familar group of like-minded people gathered together....
...enjoying the experience of keeping in touch with each other...
.....fresh fruit, wine and biscuits on the sand....
...the sharing begins.....
...soon the drums softly start....
...and chanting soon follows....
...voices joining together with the sound of the waves...
"All the Earth is sacred...every step we take...
All the Earth is Sacred... every step we take...
unite the people - all are one all are one"
Beautiful Sunset |
"Omme na Shivia...look into the fire"
"Oh great spirit....Earth wind sky and sea....
....you are inside and all around me"
"Fire flow through me...fire flow free"
"Tall trees, warm fire, warm winds, deep water....
....I feel it in my body and feed it to the source"
" I am the Goddess, I am the mother...
...all acts of love and pleasure are my ritual..."
"The rhythm of woman and the rhythm of man...
pulse of life since time began..."
...and after throwing each of our 'wishing stones' into the sea....
...and checking our 'Phase of the moon' Apps....
...we said goodbye to the sea...
...for yet another Solstice.
Best Wishes - Lord Noel