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Is Nyyyyyycccce

Whatto! Optimists......

I like to consider myself something of an optimist.......
....but there are times when all the signs are pointing in the wrong direction....
...and then you just KNOW........
...... it's going to be a Bad Day.

Like when you wake up.......
...... and find that you're face down on the pavement

Or when you call The Samaritans......
...... and they put you on hold

Or you arrive at your office at work.......
.......and your Boss tells you not to bother taking off your coat......
....and then a "60 minutes" news team arrives to speak to you

Or when it's your Birthday.....
....and your twin sister forgets......
....and then your birthday cake collapses......
...... under the weight of all those candles

Or when you turn on the news........
........ and they're showing the City where you live......
......and all the emergency routes out of there

Or you wake up and discover your waterbed has broken.......
..... and then you remember that you don't actually have a waterbed

Or when the horn on your car goes off accidentally.........
........and remains stuck on as you drive down the road......
.......following a group of hells angels

Or when your wife wakes up feeling amourous.......
..... and YOU have a headache
Or when you look outside to see the birds singing outside your window......
.... and you realise they're all vultures

.....and I've definately left the WORST 'til last!......
....when you go out on a blind date........
....and it turns out to be......
.....your ex-wife.

Ooooh! Nasty!

Have you ever had a day that could by any stretch of the imagination?
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline
Dress With Finesse